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AiMusic - Not all songs visible

Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2014 7:12 am
by vesperdose
I tried the iOS version and it connects nicely. But if I open an artist it just shows the songs direct in the folder not the subfolders of the artis folder.

data structur
ADM / Music / artist / album / song1.mp3

sometimes there are songs not from an album but just in the artist folder like
ADM / Music / artist / song1.mp3
these are the only files shown in AiMusic.

Can I edit some settings to get all the music from my NAS on my iPhone?
Or is there a better app to use?

Re: AiMusic - Not all songs visible

Posted: Tue Jul 10, 2018 5:33 pm
by samjohns123
I have the same problem. Could anyone share his experience or give some tips?